Monday, March 31, 2008

I Swear I Won't Complain When It's 105 Degrees!

Aaah warm weather. So dreamy to think about. It was so nice out last week that I got all excited and couldn't shake the idea of new patio furniture. Robby said he wanted a Wii and I said not until I get new patio furniture. He said go buy some patio furniture then. So that was my in...and sneakily his too. I did some research and found a set at Walmart that people were CRAZY for, but I cannot handle the Walmart experience so I thought I'd give my beloved Target a shot and true to form, they pulled through and saved the day. I didn't have to go to Walmart and most importantly, the table's box fit in the hatchback of my car...what else can a girl ask for in a patio table? Can the box fit in a Civic hatchback? I'll take it!

So I buy the patio furniture on Friday afternoon and in typical Utah fashion, it was cold and windy on Saturday and flat out crappy and dreary on Sunday, leading into a snowy Monday morning. So that's why you're not seeing a picture of our new patio's covered in about 3 inches of snow.

To go right along with the dreary Sunday, I got a bit of the bug from the boys and spent much of Sunday afternoon in bed. I was able to be nauseous in bed thanks to my mom, Gigi (Grandma Gwen) coming over to lend a hand. She made the boys homemade, from scratch, mac-n-cheese. It's her direct path to pleasing them. I thought about that last night and figured that's how I ended up with extra junk in my trunk...a mother who doesn't skimp on the butter-based sauces!

Anyway, when Gigi was getting ready to leave last night the boys climbed in bed with me to try to cheer me up and we started chatting. Charlie seems especially interested in the seasons these days and he gave me the run down of how the seasons work: pumpkins live in the fall, snowmen live in the snow, flowers live in the spring and WATER BALLOONS live in the summer! I can see it now...sitting on the front porch with Robby while he sips whiskey and carefully fills and ties water balloons. Sounds great...except for the hideous whiskey part...and the contstant balloon filling. I prefer the sitting part and watching the kids splat each other with water that's where it's at.


Anonymous said...

I'd better get an invite to see your patio furniture in person!

I am itchin' for summer too! I love the snow but today was just a bit much for me....although it makes me want to do a snow angel! Wanna do one with me???


Janice said...

I'm over winter too, actually, I've been in my spring clothes for about a month now. Just when you think it is gone, we are reminded we live in Utah where weather changes at the blink of an eye.

Joey C Johnson said...

Can't wait to see the new furnature. We need to find some as well, right now we have a cardboard table and 3 camp chairs to use. It's lookin' pretty ghetto!

I promise I'm trying to send warm sunny vibes your way.

Heather said...

Will you invite me over to play the Wii when Robby gets it? I've never played before that sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten that the wii was tied to the patio furniture. Thanks for the reminder! :-)